1月6日上午9点30分,布朗大学唐建新教授在力一楼239会议室受邀做学术报告,题目为“Mechanical features in an expanded bacterial colony”。报告会由工程科学学院姜洪源教授主持。
唐建新教授给与会师生带来了一场精彩的必威最新 。唐建新教授介绍到许多种类的细菌都有很强的在固体表面传播的能力。其课题组研究的重点是在琼脂表面扩展的人类病原体铜绿假单胞菌菌落内的模式进化。他们研究了从菌落中心区域开始的细菌膜厚度显著下降的耗尽区的发生和扩展。此外,为了解释液滴的发生和生长,其课题组提出了一个基于细菌膜有效自由能最小化的模型。该模型考虑到薄膜流体动力学和细菌的主动运动,以及细菌最大限度地获取养分的趋势。该模型的模拟结果成功地解释了细菌液滴的发生和生长。在自由讨论环节,与会师生积极提问交流,反响热烈。
Professor Jay X. Tang, Chinese name Tang Jian-xin, received his BS in physics from Peking University in 1987, and came to the US for graduate study through the China and the US Physics Examination and Application (CUSPEA) program established by Professor TD Lee, a Nobel Laureate in Physics. Prof. Tang received his PhD in Physics from Brandeis University. After postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School, he became an assistant professor of physics at Indiana University in 1999. Since 2003 he has been on the faculty of Brown University. He is currently professor of physics and engineering. Prof. Tang's research area is experimental biophysics, with topics covering morphology, pattern formation, cell mechanics, and motility of cells. Professor Tang has published close to 100 original research papers and received several research awards from National Science Foundation and National Institute of Health. Prof. Tang is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. He is also a member of the Biophysical Society. He also serves as a board member of the Peking University Alumni Association of New England.